Yes, there are a number of excellent charities and helplines who will be able to offer round-the-clock support over the phone for you, and the Alderson family would be more than happy to provide you with their details.
If you would like to take further steps to remember your loved one after the funeral, there are a number of different options available to you. For example, you could consider our range of keepsake items, such as scatter tubes and memory stones, memory bears, keepsake jewellery or you could put your loved one’s name in the memorial book.
It’s not always easy to know what flowers would best suit the funeral you are arranging, but it’s not uncommon to see any of the following: sprays, wreaths, sheaves and baskets, posies, hearts and cushions, and crosses and letters. If you would like to see our flower brochure or would like some expert advice from our team, please contact us.
Yes you can, but in order to do this, we will need the deeds or definite confirmation as to the location. Most councils require the deeds or an indemnity signed. There are often strict rules regarding the erection of memorials in churchyards and cemeteries and we can advise you of these at the time.
Yes, most families can visit a loved one in our chapel of rest before the funeral. We will let you know when everything is ready and we ask that you make an appointment beforehand. Occasionally, due to various circumstances, we may advise you to remember the person in life.
Absolutely, there is no requirement to hold a religious funeral service and there are a number of alternatives. We work with civil celebrants and humanist officiants who provide a very personal non religious ceremony, usually at the crematorium or graveside. A relative or friend could even lead the ceremony if they feel able to do so. Other members of the congregation can also give a tribute or perhaps a reading.
Assistance is available from the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) social fund which can provide assistance to individuals who meet the required criteria. To qualify you must demonstrate that you are the most suitable person to take responsibility for paying the funeral account – additionally you must be receiving at least one of several qualifying benefits and have insufficient savings to pay for the funeral.
The DWP funeral payment will provide a limited amount, which may cover a very basic funeral, or provide a contribution towards a more traditional funeral.
Please speak to a member of the team about applying for help.
Hygienic treatment is commonly known as embalming which helps to restore the natural and restful appearance of your loved one and maintain their dignity until the time of the funeral. This can bring comfort to loved ones when visiting the chapel of rest.
Our limousines can hold up to seven passengers, in addition to the driver. Three in the back seat, three in the middle and one in the front next to the driver.
Children are classed as one passenger and must wear a seatbelt. For younger children we ask you to provide a booster seat or child seat, which can be fixed using the seat belt.
Music played in church will need to be approved by the clergy, but many churches now allow favourite tunes or songs to be played in addition to hymns. It is worth remembering that some hymns have more than one tune. We can help to ensure you have the correct one.
Most Crematoria have a library of popular music, but you can supply us with a CD or tape for use provided it plays on the equipment. It is better that we have this in good time to test the recording.
You may also wish to include live music, which again will need to be approved by the officiant.
We can also arrange for a Scottish piper, bugler, or any other special musician.
Yes, family and friends can carry the coffin into the service, either 4 or 6 people usually carry, depending on the size of the person. At the time of arranging the funeral, we will ask you if there is anyone who would like to do this.